Political Organisations, NGOs, Market each set or even all sets put together cannot be equated to the society. They are all subsets existing along with other subsets of the society.
Whether GOs, NGOs or Market all shall serve in the interest of the society as a whole instead of the state or the Market severally or jointly controlling the society as at present. Market as such is a tool in the hands of the ruling class as have been the state hitherto.
As such NGOs will not be able to control the state on its own, without out the support of other entities. While at the same time NGOs shall have a role in disseminating the information down the societal hierarchy, to hasten the movement.
The Finance capital equation of democracy and market is nothing but a farce. Market, NGO or the state alone or jointly cannot ensure Democracy. Democracy shall mean the over all will of the society in economic management, execution, monitoring, auditing and evaluation expressed through participation and the opinion making process which in absence of consensus will be the majority view.
The wider the participation, wider the democracy.
Here again, the organisational architecture for various functions are important. Despite centuries of capital dominated democratic governance, the society still retain the feudal architecture for the organisations. In fact the Vertical, pyramidal shaped layered structure is not belonging to democracy. The Capital in its vested interest chose to retain the feudal structure to retain its hegemony over the society. In fact, it is upto the society to establish democracy through appropriate organisational structure. Democracy demands free dissemination of information, the infrastructure for decision making, without which decision making, managerial, executive and monitoring functions are impossible or atleast ineffective. Knowledge freedom is a pre-condition for democracy to be effective. The modern information network, the www, with accessibility and availability ensured to all provide a global horizontal architecture of organisation.
Various entities, the organisational entities starting from individual, locality based units, various geographical consolidation of units, upto national or international levels, shall work side by side without hindering the initiative of each other. This ensures the democratic freedom. Each individual and unit will have its freedom to operate within its domain, but without obstructing others and without being obstructed by others. Here, every aspects of freedom like privacy, independence etc are defined. No layered structure, as in the feudal structure still maintained like the PM, Ministers, Bureacrats, the Military, the Police, the local officials and finally the people, each putting their individual as also combined weight on the layer down below and on the people at large. If any layer below wants to be free, it has to over throw all the layers above. And that is the situation faced by the people even today. It has to happen through a revolution. Revelution, meaning ending of the pyramidal structure, replacing it with a geographically spanned horizontal structure, without any layer over or below.
For such a revolution, use of might is not the key feature. It is the information dissemination and ownership that is important. It means it is the knowledge freedom that is critical that enables the over throw of the layered structure, replacing it with a distributed architecture of information system model of which is provided by the internet. Internet is the network of networks. Any server capacity can be built through network of servers. Any network capability could be attained by any of the component net work. This is the model for democracy. It could be effected in any organisation, whether GO, NGO or Market. If the society is provided with accessibility and availability of information flowing through the concerned networks and with authority to control the data flow or to manipulate the data, it is the model for a democracy. The resource utilisation may be a constraint for a backward economy. There, instead of each individual access and authority wielding, the power could be delegated to the local congregation of residents.
But, such a change may be obstructed by those in power. If a peaceful transition is obstructed through the use of force, then the transition needs use of force and that depends on the vested interest preventing the progress and not on the society or the revolutionary movement.
Subject to the above understanding of the state and the class hold over it, every sensible communist, left, democratic and progressive movement shall stand and strive for a peaceful transition.
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